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HRA Handbook

This short and engaging handbook provides a great overview of human Factors Critical Task Reviews (HFCTR) and how it helps people across sectors reduce error and improve human performance. HFCTR can help keep people safe and delivers value.

SHERPA Software Brochure

SHERPA software helps you optimise your organisation’s most critical tasks and reduce human error. This download explains SHERPA’s seven most popular features, functions and benefits, how it works, and how to take the next step towards improving your organisation’s Human Reliablity.

Workload Assessment Tool

This guide to cognitive workload assessment tools will help you understand cognitive workload and the tools Human Reliability has put in place to assess workload levels including CLIMATE which can be used to analyse specific work scenarios and report whether they fall within safe working limits.

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A set of computer based tools identifying and preventing human error in plant operation

This paper describes a set of techniques, supported by computer based tools, for predicting and preventing human errors in gas plant operations. 

Causal models which affect the quality of incident investigations

Human Reliability was commissioned by the Health & Safety Executive to carry out a survey of current industry practice in incident investigation, given the proposed new duty to investigate. 

CARMAN – A consensus-based approach to risk management

The first section of the paper discusses the relationship between `Best Practice` and formal procedures in high-risk systems such as chemical processing, aerospace and transportation.

An overview of data collection systems and their characteristics

The function of this document is to provide an overall framework within which to describe the important aspects of data collection systems.

Getting at the underlying systemic causes of SPADS: A new approach

Now, more than at any other time in the history of the railways, there is an urgent need for the industry to learn lessons from near misses and incidents.  

Incorporating management and organisational factors

A case study from the rail transportation sector illustrates how organisational factors can act as high-level influences which are manifest as operational errors giving rise to major accidents. 

Introduction to performance influencing factors

Performance Influencing Factors, or PIFs, are factors that combine with basic human error tendencies to create error-likely situations. In general terms PIFs can be described as those factors which determine the likelihood of error or effective human performance.

Systems for predictive error analysis

It is widely recognised that human error in industrial operations is a major source of risk that needs to be considered when plants are designed, modified or operated. The increasing interest in this area has arisen partly from the occurrence of a number of major accidents where human error has played a significant role.

Task analysis techniques

Task analysis is a fundamental methodology in the assessment and reduction of human error. A wide variety of different task analysis methods exist, and it would be impracticable to describe all these techniques here. Instead, the intention is to describe representative methodologies applicable to different types of task. 

Using SCTA to create a generic audit tool for a critical task

The Human Factors GATEWAY approach is introduced to extend and expedite the application of HF learnings from a single Safety Critical Task Analysis (SCTA) to similar tasks. This approach uses a generic audit tool, enabling non-HF specialists to apply insights from SCTAs broadly and rapidly, thereby enhancing task safety and performance.