The safety critical task analysis (SCTA) facilitator course

The safety critical task analysis (SCTA) facilitator course

This is the course for people who wish to facilitate Safety Critical Task Analysis (SCTA) projects and sessions. Whether you’re a complete newbie or whether you have established practices for doing this and want to review and revitalise those or have a refresher, this is the course for you.

Petroleum review: Keeping safe

People are an essential part of any safety critical industry. Safety depends on the performance of operational tasks, as well as maintenance, inspection and testing of automated systems. But what happens when things inevitably deviate from standard practice?

Remote human factors walkthroughs

An important part of conducting Human Factors Critical Task Reviews (HFCTR) is the walkthrough and talkthrough of the task at the plant or site. This is to see the context of the task first hand, check task details and assess human factors issues. In response to COVID-19 movement restrictions, we have already written about conducting Human Factors Critical Task Review (HFCTR) workshops remotely [see link at the base of this post]. This post focuses on the possibility of doing remote walkthroughs to support that work.

Coronavirus and remote human factors workshops

Coronavirus has had far reaching implications for business and personal life. UK Citizens are being urged to stay at home, which is forcing a shift to remote working. Even in these difficult times, some of our clients are keen to maintain their momentum with Human Factors Critical Task Reviews (HFCTRs). In response to this, we are currently trialling an innovative remote HFCTR approach.

Management Models for Proactive Human Factors

Proactive Human Factors attends to vulnerabilities before incidents happen to reduce risks and improve protections for staff, processes and assets. However, it is not always obvious how to organise this.