What makes human factors critical task reviews (HFCTR) flourish or stall?

The Control of Major Accident Hazards (COMAH) regulations, governing UK process plants, requires the use of Human Reliability Analysis techniques such as Human Factors Critical Task Review (HFCTR) for COMAH critical tasks. The process of HFCTR involves a task analysis, human failure analysis and Performance Influencing Factors (PIF) analysis of a safety critical task.
Safety critical task analysis (SCTA): Reflective practice

There are different ways of organising Human Factors Safety Critical Task Analysis (SCTA). This is important for organisations to get right so they have the right balance between efficiency and thoroughness, and so they use appropriate tools and procedures to maximise their impact. SCTA is our forte and we have years of experience in conducting SCTA projects and helping organisations implement their own approaches.
Safety critical task analysis (SCTA) practice: Marginal gains and the Goldilocks zone

We do a lot of Safety Critical Task Analysis (SCTA) at HRA. The company is steeped in its history as David Embrey, MD, published some of the foundational ideas on SHERPA in the early 1980`s, and some of our consultants have been working for decades on applying and developing the methods.
Petroleum review: Keeping safe

People are an essential part of any safety critical industry. Safety depends on the performance of operational tasks, as well as maintenance, inspection and testing of automated systems. But what happens when things inevitably deviate from standard practice?