Near Miss Management: Formative ideas for a book chapter

I’ve been lucky enough to be invited to contribute a chapter in a book about Near Miss Management. I’ll mainly be discussing the application of Human Factors Safety Critical Task Analysis (SCTA) for investigating near misses for Process Safety related concerns. 

I wanted to share these early ideas and request feedback from you, the reader.

Incident Investigation: Swimlanes & Sequentially Timed Events Plotting (STEP)

Lydea’s latest blog uncovers Swimlane diagrams as a powerful tool for incident investigation. Featuring a detailed case study on the AB Specialty Silicones explosion in 2019, learn how this tool can map out complex processes, identify latent conditions and active failures, and enhance your understanding of critical events.

Human Factors: A better depth of explanation

I really like this interview by Feynman where he is asked about the feeling of attraction and repulsion between two magnets. However, it is hard for him to explain what is going on in a way that will satisfy his audience, without going into a deeper level of explanation that they may not understand.