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Human factors safety critical task analysis (SCTA): Work-as-imagined, work-as-done, work-as-x

An important element to any real world human reliability assessment is to be aware of different perspectives of work, their...

Safety critical task analysis (SCTA): Reflective practice

There are different ways of organising Human Factors Safety Critical Task Analysis (SCTA). This is important for organisations to get...

The safety critical task analysis (SCTA) facilitator course

This is the course for people who wish to facilitate Safety Critical Task Analysis (SCTA) projects and sessions. Whether you’re...

Human factors in Process Design course

We recently developed and delivered a new course to raise awareness of Human Factors in Process Design, i.e. Topic 2...

Safety critical task analysis (SCTA) practice: Marginal gains and the Goldilocks zone

We do a lot of Safety Critical Task Analysis (SCTA) at HRA. The company is steeped in its history as...

Virtual booth at HFES 2020

Human Reliability Associates (HRA) was founded in 1983 making it the longest established Human Factors consultancy in the UK. We...

Petroleum review: Keeping safe

People are an essential part of any safety critical industry. Safety depends on the performance of operational tasks, as well...

Safety assurance of autonomous intravenous medication management systems

The move towards increasingly automated and ultimately autonomous IV medication management systems might hold promise in reducing the IV medication...

HRA Coronavirus (COVID-19) capability statement

It can be challenging meeting regulatory expectations, achieving action deadlines, project schedules and annual objectives during these unprecedented times. As...

Fatigue management during the Coronavirus outbreak

Fatigue management at Major Accident Hazard (MAH) sites has become a hot topic during the coronavirus pandemic. Due to illness...

Remote human factors walkthroughs

An important part of conducting Human Factors Critical Task Reviews (HFCTR) is the walkthrough and talkthrough of the task at...

Coronavirus and remote human factors workshops

Coronavirus has had far reaching implications for business and personal life. UK Citizens are being urged to stay at home,...

Management Models for Proactive Human Factors

Proactive Human Factors attends to vulnerabilities before incidents happen to reduce risks and improve protections for staff, processes and assets....

Chocolate Pancakes: From hierarchical task analysis to optimising human performance

With it being pancake day in the UK (everyone makes pancakes on Shrove Tuesday), I thought I would write about...

Human Factors: A better depth of explanation

I really like this interview by Feynman where he is asked about the feeling of attraction and repulsion between two...

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